Tuesday, September 25, 2012

where in the USA?

Let's play a game.

I apologize for those of you who hate games but to be honest, I just want to get a little dialogue going and to get a feel for my audience (or if no one at all is reading). So here's how to play: I'll show you some photos and you guess where in the USA the photos were taken by leaving a comment below. Then check back next week for results.

Guess the city, give your feedback on the photos, let me know if the photos make it too easy or too hard, tell me what you want to see from this blog.

I look forward to hearing from you. Someone, please.


  1. These are pretty awesome. Did you take them yourself?

    I'm happy to see you're still continuing Graphic Design, i'll check out your other posts :D

    -Shawn Achenbach

    1. Hey thanks, Shawn.

      Yep, I took the photos. You forgot to guess what city they were taken in...
